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Top 10 Foods For Your Strong and Healthy Immune System

Top 10 Foods For Your Strong and Healthy Immune System

If you surely want to take care of your overall health. it's important to take good care of your immune system, and one of the best ways to eat foods that are full of the essential nutrients that our body needs. In this article, we are going to talk about some of the best foods that you can consider adding to your diet to promote the health of your immune system and even help fight infections. Before we go any further, let's know that we are not doctors. this article is for information on entertainment purposes. only please speak with your doctor for medical advice and treatment. so now that we got that out of the way. let's talk about which foods are most beneficial for the health of the immune system of the human body.  

Bell peppers

Bell paper

First we have bell peppers are extremely rich in vitamin C which makes them one of the best foods for boosting your immune system. vitamin C is a great immunity booster because it helps the body create new white blood cells which work naturally toward of infections. A one cup serving of bell peppers or about 150 milligrams will provide you with almost double the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.



Next up is broccoli is a well-known staple in healthy diets because it's pretty much a jack-of-all-trades vegetable broccoli provides adequate amounts of fiber that is needed to maintain gut health and clean out unwanted bacteria from the GI tract. it's also loaded with vitamins A and C that will give your cells the energy and strength to fight when you need them.


Tuna Fish

Another good immunity boosting food is tuna that’s provide your body a good amount of good omega fatty acid. Tuna is one of the best sources of vitamin B6. This vitamin is incredibly important when it comes to enhancing your immune system and has been linked to decrease the risk of cancer. Vitamin B6 also plays a crucial role in building antibodies as well as regulating inflammation within the body. Approximately six ounces of tuna will provide your body with around half of the daily recommended intake of vitamin B6.other meats such as chicken turkey and salmon are also good sources of vitamin B6 as well.

Beef liver

Beaf Liver

Next we need to talk about beef liver beef liver is not something that sounds very appetizing nor is it a staple of most diets. The fact of beef liver is good for your immune system because it can serve as a primary source of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is typically known for giving your body an energy boost but most people don't realize that it also plays a role in the body's immunity as well. it provides a boost for the natural killer cells which are a type of lymphocytes and they're a type of white blood cells this is good for fighting infections and helping the body recover from viruses. Unfortunately most people do not get enough of this vitamin in their diet. This is especially true for vegans and vegetarians because the high doses of B vitamins are typically not found in plant-based diets. So if you eat mostly vegetables you may consider adding vitamin B12 supplements as long as possible with recommendation of doctors.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes

The next food that we're going to talk about is sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are packed with both flavor and nutrition aside from providing you with good carbohydrates and fiber for gut health. They also are loaded with vitamin A plays an important role in the structure, and function of B and T cells which are involved in the body's immune response. vitamin A also assists in starting an antibody response that works to fight of infections. Some other good sources of vitamin A include spinach carrots and eggs.



Next up is almonds. They are delicious and also loaded with vitamin E which is great for your immune system. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps maintain cell walls and prevent damage when infection is present. Simply eating a handful of almonds per day is a great way to provide a quick boost for your immune system. Sunflower seeds and granola are some other good sources of vitamin E.



Oysters are loaded with zinc and that is exactly why they are one of the best foods for your immune system. Zinc is a mineral that promotes immune cell maturation and performance, especially in T cells.In general oysters are one of the foods with the highest amounts of zinc, in fact you should be able to get a daily recommended dose simply by eating three medium-sized oysters, but maybe you're not a fan of oysters. Their texture is pretty unique, especially in raw oysters they tend to be a little slimy. Usually either people love them or hate them and if that's the case and you don't like them other shellfish such as lobster crab and shrimp also contain sufficient doses of zinc.



Another food that has a lot of benefits is mushrooms. mushrooms are a great source of copper which makes them an excellent food for boosting the immune system. copper helps the body increase the number of t cells which work to fight of infections. it also helps the body create new antibodies which are useful in combating infections. Mushrooms can be eating by themselves, and they're also delicious When mixed with sauces pastas or salads. They provide a tasty added flavor to your meal with some much-needed nutrients as well. So if you're a mushroom hater, you should definitely reconsider that mindset, because you're missing out on some incredible nutritional benefits.



Next up is garlic. Garlic promotes a healthy immune system because it contains a compound called Allicin. Allicin is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation, but studies also found it to be a suitable treatment for certain infections as well that is due to its ability to attack pathogenic cells and improve an immune system that has been weakened by certain drugs. you can consume garlic raw as a spice or even as a supplement with the permission of your primary care physician of course.



We couldn't have made this list without mentioning turmeric. it's yet another spice that you can use to not only improve your food's flavor, but also get some immune system benefits as well turmeric has a compound called curcumin, that is great for your overall health. It typically has been used for fighting inflammation but studies have shown that it also has an ability to improve the body's antibody response as well not to mention it serves as a natural way to help those suffering from immune disorders. Similar to garlic turmeric can be used as a spice or can be taken in capsule form as a supplement when it comes to the immune system.

Bonus Tip 



What about sunlight, Does sunlight help boost the immune system? Now I know the sun isn't a food but if you're looking for ways to improve your immune system it would be foolish not to bring it up simply spending 30 minutes per day in sunlight will allow your body to create vitamin D naturally this has several health benefits, but for this article we're primarily focusing on how it benefits the immune system vitamin D increases the production of immune cells and cytokines, which help fight off unwanted pathogens in the body if you live in a non-sunny climate or are unable to go outdoors. Salmon tuna and mushrooms are examples of some foods that are high in vitamin D that you could consider adding to your diet real.

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