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What is Trichomoniasis in Females, Hidden Symptoms,Prevention And Cure

What is Trichomoniasis in Females, Hidden Symptoms,Prevention And Cure

 Most patients who are told they have an STD called Trichomoniasis are shocked because they have never heard of this infection before.

Today, I will make it easy and go through what signs to look out for and teach you what treatments are needed to cure Trichomoniasis.

Firstly, I want to give you a quick overview, then I'll jump into the warning signs, and finally, I'll talk about how to cure Trichomoniasis.

So first up, what is Trichomoniasis and how do you catch it?

Trichomoniasis or "Trich" is the most common curable sexually transmitted disease or STD that is caused by protozoa called T.

Vaginalis, which can infect the genitals of both men and women. The infection is sometimes confused with Bacterial Vaginosis because they sound a little bit similar. But BV is quite different, as it only affects women and is not an STD. You can catch Trichomoniasis by having vaginal sex with someone infected. And unfortunately, you can also catch it off objects like contaminated towels, or sex toys.

How can you prevent it and how long before you get symptoms? Condoms will help, but it is not foolproof because the parasite can live outside the body for 45 minutes in sexual fluids. You can protect yourself by either not having vaginal sex, not sharing sex toys, or rubbing or touching the genitals with infected sexual fluid. Most people have no symptoms with Trich, but if symptoms develop they will start five days to a month after being infected.


What are the hidden signs of Trichomoniasis?

A burning sensation

When you pass urine. This can happen to both men and women and may give you the feeling like you have a urine infection. If you have already been tested for Gonorrhea and chlamydia and the tests have come back negative, I'd suggest getting tested for Trich as this could be the cause of your symptoms.


In men, you might get white, yellow, or green fluid from the tip of the penis. In women, discharge is quite common. It may be greenly-yellow and frothy and have an unpleasant or fishy smell to it, Itching or irritation.

Itching or irritation

Men may notice itching or irritation inside the penis, feeling that you need to pass urine frequently and that the penis hurts after passing urine. In women, the vagina and vulva may feel itchy or uncomfortable, sex may be painful or you may have pain in your lower abdomen.

No symptoms

Unfortunately, about 70 percent of people do not have any signs or symptoms of Trichomoniasis. What does this mean? If you've had unprotected sex with a new partner pleases get a STD check done - just to be on the safe side. This will normally involve a urine test or sometimes swabs from inside the penis or vagina.

Is Trichomoniasis dangerous?

In women, it can be a problem in pregnancy for causing early delivery. It can also cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). In men, Trichomoniasis can rarely lead to prostate infection. In both sexes, Trich can lead to reduced fertility. However, the good thing is it is a curable infection. How do you treat Trichomoniasis? Thankfully, as I said before there are cures for Trichomoniasis.

The best treatment is an oral antibiotic tablet called Metronidazole. Normally, you'll be given two grams as a single dose, or 400 to 500 milligrams twice a day for five to seven days. Please do not drink alcohol within 24 hours of taking Metronidazole, as it will make you sick! Ideally, if you have a partner, you should both be treated at the same time. When is it safe to have sex after treatment? You should wait at least one week after finishing all medications before having sex again. If you have had any other partners in the last four weeks, they should also get treatment for Trichomoniasis.

How long do Trichomoniasis symptoms take to clear up after treatment?

After treatment, you should feel a lot better within about 48 hours. But it normally takes a week for all the symptoms to go away. I'd recommend that you get tested again in three months, to make sure all is well.

Does your sexual partner need treatment?

Yes, definitely. This is even if your partner has been tested and the result has come back negative. I always recommend to my patients to get treated anyway, as the tests aren't perfect.

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