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Acidity in stomach,Causes, prevention and Cure


Acidity in stomach

Acidity in stomach,Causes, prevention and Cure


Now let's start today's article which is on gastritis i.e. inflammation of the stomach commonly called acidity And this leads to various symptoms in the patient like burning in the stomach, pain, gas problem, abdominal distension In this video, we will discuss what causes gastritis.

What are the symptoms of gastritis/acidity? And about the investigation by which it is confirmed and the complications identified, and we will talk about its medical management and treatment of acidity i.e. about medicines by which acidity can be cured In Gastritis.


There is inflammation of the lining of the stomach This inflammation can develop suddenly leading to acute gastritis And sometimes this inflammation develops gradually, leading to Chronic Gastritis And if we talk about the symptoms then the patient develops burning and pain in the upper abdomen abdominal heaviness, gas problems, belching, fullness of abdomen Besides patients may develop nausea and sometimes they vomit And sometimes in complicated cases, when the bleeding starts from the stomach the patient develops black stools, blood in stools, and vomitus .

Blood in stools and vomitus is an emergency condition, it’s a grave situation for which the patient needs to urgently consult a good Gastroenterologist.

when the patient needs to consult a doctor?

Next, we will discuss, when the patient needs to consult a doctor? Although in the majority of cases the symptoms of acidity get relieved without medicines in 1-2 days But if the symptoms are present for more than 1 week, or patient has developed black stools, blood in stool and vomitus Then the patient needs to consult a good Gastroenterologist Besides, if the day to day activities of the patient is getting affected or the condition has worsened due to gastritis, then also patient needs to consult a doctor.


Next, we will talk about the causes of Gastritis? So many times it has been found that gastritis has developed due to bad dietary habits and bad lifestyle And in it important causes are, intake of spicy food, junk food, fried food, alcohol, smoking mental stress, lack of nighttime sleep. All these factors increase acid production in the stomach which attacks the lining of the stomach leading to gastritis, acidity, inflammation of the stomach There are also other important causes and important among these is, stomach infection by Helicobacter Pylori i.e. H. Pylori bacteria H. Pylori infection is a very important cause of acidity Besides pain killers from NSAIDS class, which include Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Aspirin named medicines Intake of these medicines also leads to the development of Gastritis Besides, trauma, severe infection, burn also lead to Gastritis And sometimes the body cells, themselves attack the lining of the stomach leading to the inflammation of the stomach This is called Autoimmune Gastritis And autoimmune gastritis is found to be associated with Vitamin B 12 deficiency Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and also with other autoimmune diseases. These were some causes of Gastritis.


Next, we will talk about the investigations used to confirm Gastritis and to identify its complications So, to confirm gastritis a very commonly used and a very good investigation is Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy also called UGI endoscopy But before doing Upper GI Endoscopy the patients need to be kept on fasting for 4 hours, they should not eat for 4 hours Then a flexible tube with a camera on top is inserted through the mouth and passed through the food pipe, stomach till the small intestine And the recording of the camera the Doctor watches on a screen and in this way, the diagnosis of Gastritis is confirmed in the patient and other diseases of the food pipe, stomach, and intestine are diagnosed And sometimes Upper GI Endoscopy is also used to take Biopsy of the stomach Besides to confirm the infection of Helicobacter Pylori, H. Pylori the Doctors may advise Biopsy, blood test, stool test, and Breath test Besides Doctors may also advise Complete blood count, liver function test, and stool occult blood test.


we will talk about the treatment of Gastritis So First, we will talk about medicines which reduce acid production in the patients And First class of Drugs in it is Proton Pump Inhibitors also called PPIs this class includes Omeprazole, Pantoprazole and Rabeprazole named medicines And to get the maximum benefit of these drugs the patient should take these drugs 30 minutes before food intake Initially, PPIs are started once a day, in the morning But if the patient does not get relief by once a day dose then the drug is given twice a day in the patient And also in the evening, this drug should be taken 30 minutes before food.

The second class of drug is H2 blockers H2 blockers include Famotidine, Nizatidine named medicines These drugs also reduce acid production and promote healing of the stomach lining Third, are the antibiotics against Helicobacter Pylori bacteria And these include Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin and Metronidazole named antibiotics These antibiotics are given in combination with Proton Pump Inhibitors And the patient should remember to complete the full course of these antibiotics as advised by the Doctor, to get the maximum effect Doctors may also advise antacids to get quick relief these antacids neutralize the acidity of the stomach which gives instant relief to the patient And Antacids contain combinations of Aluminium and Magnesium salts And besides these medicines, patient need to make dietary and lifestyle changes.

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