Today we will be talking about how to
detoxify your liver. The most important
thing is that why liver detoxification helps and how does it help for curing a
lot of diseases? So the liver is like a
filter of the body where all the germs, all the toxins, all the medicines, they
are you can say neutralized. So the
medicines or the germs or the other toxic material does not circulate in the
body and damage the body. So in a way
the liver is a storehouse of all the non-required material. But this storehouse while can function
effectively even with that toxic material which is neutralized toxic
material. But after a certain point of
time when it becomes too much the liver cells start dying out and sometimes it
leads to something called fatty liver and because of the damaged liver cells.
And sometimes it could lead to other
major problems. So the important thing
is that the liver itself needs support and help to cleanse it. Now, what are the things which help in liver
The first thing is there needs to be a
liver detox cycle or a day or a pattern or a program that helps you to detoxify
your liver. On that particular day, one
has to avoid anything heavy for the liver.
So things which are heavy for the liver are things like alcohol,
medicines, whether it's antibiotics or whether it's any other kind of medicine.
The second thing is any kind of protein. Proteins could be vegetarian like paneer or
cheese or it could be tofu or soya protein.
Or it could be non-vegetarian which is heavier for the liver. Which is like chicken, eggs, meat, or any
other kind of non-vegetarian protein. So
on this liver detox day it ideal not to have any protein also along with no
alcohol and no medicines and other things.
The third very important thing is to have a
lot of clean drinking water on that liver detox day. So for detoxifying the liver how should one
begin the day? The best thing is that
when you get up have a glass of lukewarm water in which a few drops of lemon
juice have been added. So you can add a
little bit of lemon juice to that water and drink that the first thing in the
morning. Follow it up with water which
is made out of the ginger extract.
That means you take a little bit of
ginger boil it in water till the time the extract comes into the water and
drink that about glass in the morning.
Now once you... you know cleanse and all after that you have to drink something which is very rejuvenating for the liver and rejuvenation for the intestine and also balancing for the PH and this is called coconut water. So coconut water has an ideal PH. When you drink coconut water during the morning it will start balancing your liver and intestine. So throughout the day, you have to drink coconut water at least three times that entire day. This will help you to balance your liver.
Then after that, you have to have "Triphala" with a little bit of wheat bran. So take about a level teaspoon of Triphala on one full teaspoon, one heap teaspoon of wheat bran. Add it to a little bit of lukewarm water stir it nicely and then drink this concoction. Now how will this help is Triphala will help to neutralize the toxins in the liver and the wheat bran will help to clean up the intestine. So that way, as the intestine keeps getting cleaned up the liver throws its toxin in the intestine and the intestine flushes it away. So this wheat bran and Triphala concoction you have to have once in the morning and once at night before going to bed. Then after that in terms of meals you cannot eat a full meal or a regular meal which is cereals or dal or roti or chicken or fish. You have to have fruit. Now in the winter if you don't want to take cold fruits you can sauté the fruits a little bit and have them. But otherwise, you can have a bowl of fruits. In that, you can add a little bit of black salt or rock salt and it will be ideal if you can add a little bit of "Lavan Bhaskar Churna".
So Lavan Bhaskar churna is a mixture of different kinds of natural salts which are called Lavan Bhaskar churna. Otherwise, if you don't have it. it is perfectly all right you can take black salt or you can take rock salt in the fruits. And of course in the fruits also if you choose grainy things which have seeds like you to know for example guavas it's good for the body it's good for the liver because fruits cleanse even better. Then after that, you have to have two times one is pre-lunch and one is in the evening around five o'clock is aloe vera juice. Aloe vera juice itself is also detoxifying. So you can take about twenty ml of aloe vera the juice which is about this much in a glass that is once before lunch and once in the evening.
And aloe vera juice also gives a coating to your intestine and draws out all the impurities. And similarly, the aloe vera juice will also help the liver to start throwing out its toxins into the intestine and from there it can be removed. Another thing that is important for liver detox is that you need to keep flushing out a lot of things. So at night if you feel a little constipated you can use Triphala or wheat bran. Otherwise, you can use a teaspoon of castor oil in organic skimmed milk and that also helps you to cleanse your body and you know detoxify the liver. This particular plan does it once and after one week repeat it and repeat it after a gap of one week. And these three cleanses should help you actually to detoxify your lever very effectively.
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